Jiachen Li, 李佳琛

School of Computer Science and Technology
Wuhan University of Technology
Email: lijiachen@whut.edu.cn
ORCID: 0000-0002-0602-9360

I am currently a Ph.D. student at the Wuhan University of Technology, under the supervision of Prof. Yongjian Liu and A.P. Qing Xie. I am studying in The ReLER Lab of the University of Technology Sydney in 2022-2023 as a Visiting Ph.D Student, under the supervision of Prof. Yi Yang and Prof. Xiaojun Chang. I received my B.S. degree and my M.S. degree from Zhengzhou University and Wuhan University of Technology in 2017 and 2020, respectively. My work focuses on computer vision and multimodal.


